
Friday, June 14, 2019

The Bear by Andrew Krivak Review

Rating: 5/5
Genre: Young Adult Fiction

This is the survival story of a journey through grieving, loss, companionship, and love.
After a great apocalypse, a man and his daughter are the only two people left on Earth. The Father teaches the Girl to hunt and how to survive in nature as he also teaches her about her Mother who had passed away giving birth to her. The man knows that he will not outlive the Girl and wants to make sure that he can teach her all that he can. These lessons will prove invaluable as she finds herself alone. But is she truly alone as she finds her way home with nature?

My Thoughts:
This book will easily become one of the classics. The writing is poetically phenomenal. There is beautiful imagery throughout the entire book and the journey you go through while reading this story will leave you in tears. This book will make you want to connect with nature and find the signs of nature's voice. It will give you a whole new respect for our environment.
At first, this book is quite depressing, but you must keep reading! This is not just a tale of sorrow. It is a tale of hope and human resilience. Even after we are gone, we will continue. We are apart of nature and nature is never ending.
The writing style in this novel is very unique. The Father and the Girl do not have names. They are just the Father and the Girl, just as the bear is the Bear and the puma is the Puma. I really think this helps us as readers realize that we are one with nature. The author chose to not use quotation marks which can be a little confusing when reading through dialogue, but fits in with the style of his writing which is very much like Cormac McCarthy's style, but without all the gore. (which I appreciate soooo much!)
Overall, this is definitely one of my top reads for this year. I cannot recommend this book enough! Please give this book a read!

Thank you to NetGalley and Bellevue Literary Press for allowing me to review this eARC.

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